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Knowledge into Action Lab 2024

May 15-16: Knowledge into Action Lab 2024

The KiA lab returns after its successful launch in summer 2023. A packed two-day programme will feature provocation briefs from Humanities across BordersAge UK Barnet and Clean Air Barnet, keynote speakers, interdisciplinary workshops, and opportunities to meet and work with colleagues from across the university.

What does it take to translate knowledge into action? 

We have a vibrant research community which already aims for impact, but how can we use our expertise across disciplines to support particular community challenges.  Each year we invite external stakeholders to pose a provocation to our researchers on a challenge which they think needs urgently addressing.

We encourage our research community and particularly Postgraduate Researchers and Early Career Researchers to engage with these challenges and directly support change.  This is an ideal opportunity to engage in small-group and inter-disciplinary collaborations to make a difference in the world.   KiA2023 led to three active ongoing projects and we believe our research community can deliver more.   So come along and get involved.

  • KiA Lab Agenda

May 15

DAY 1: 

09.00-10.00 Registration with tea and coffee (Quad)

10.00-10.15 Welcome and introduction to the KiA Lab (CG76)

10.15-10.35 Provocation 1: Age UK Barnet

10.35-10.55 Provocation 2: Clean Air

10.55-11.15  Provocation 3: Humanities Across Borders

11.15-11.45 General Q&A

11.45-12.00 Break

12.00-13.00 Parallel rooms for each provocation:

  • Age UK Barnet (C210)
  • Clean Air (C205)
  • Humanities Across Borders (C207)

13.00-13.45  Lunch (Quad)

13.45-15.45  Small group-working: various rooms

15.45-16.00 Break

16.00-17.00  Progress reports + presentation of last year’s projects (CG76)

  • Minibeasts of Barnet
  • Ante-natal English for Ethnic Minority Women
  • Student projects and placement with CitizenUK

17.00-19.00  Dinner and networking  (Mdx House)

May 16


09:00-10.00 Registration with tea and coffee (Quad)

10:00-10:30 Plenary welcome and the Reminiscence Project (CG76)

10.30-12.30  Small group working (various rooms)

12.30-13.30  Lunch (Quad)

13.30-14.30  Small group working: finalising group ‘pitches’ (various rooms)

14:30-15.00 Break

15.00-16.30 Response to Provocations and next steps

16.30-17:00 Close

17.30-19.30 Hear my voice launch (Grove Atrium)

  • Provocations

Provocation 1 by Age UK Barnet

Are you Ageist?

A study has shown that positive self-perceptions of ageing can increase our longevity by up to 7.5 years. However, our Age-friendly Barnet Baseline Assessment revealed that over half of Barnet residents over the age of 55 felt that they are treated with less respect as they age more.

Ageism is a bias against people based on their age and manifests in stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination in many aspects of life. During this session, we will explore how certain aspects of our physical and social environment are ageist and discuss why most of us internalise ageist attitudes.

We will be welcoming discussions about the benefits of an age-inclusive environment and how we can take further steps to ensuring that Barnet is a great place to grow older in.

Before this session, we encourage you to take the ‘Are you Ageist’ Quiz.

Barnet Age UK

Provocation 2 by Clean Air Barnet

Do you know what you're breathing?

It is estimated that a similar number of people (over 3 million) die each year worldwide as a result of indoor air pollution as do from outdoor air pollution. Yet there is a lack of knowledge about how different factors, such as building design and management, occupancy, lifestyle, and culture, combine to create and disperse indoor air pollution.

Is it clear what we should measure, how we should measure it, and what standards we are measuring against?

What key messages can we share with Barnet residents about how to mitigate health risks?

Which three practical actions should we advise Barnet residents to take to improve indoor air quality?

As an outcome of this provocation, we welcome ideas and proposals for how to build on existing knowledge and create new knowledge in ways that lead to meaningful and equitable action.

Clen Air Barnet

Provocation 3 by Humanities across Borders

Humanities across Borders (HAB) is a new education and research initiative of the International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS), Leiden, The Netherlands and principally funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, New York

This multi-disciplinary programme has been a spectacular example of how knowledge crosscuts have impact in a varying range of footprint sizes. They work across floods, informal settlements, displacement, pedagogical approaches to war/conflict, democracy, languages, culture, health, food, amongst other specific areas. It has grown in various directions; keeping a firm focus on knowledge-based inequities and inequalities and the use of knowledge as action-sets for transformation.

In the first phase HAB concentrated efforts on building a network of partners and experimenting with out-of-classroom, experiential pedagogies.

The next phase will mobilise existing, stand-alone educational institutions, structures, and processes into new configurations of South-South and South-North collaboration.

Humanities Without Borders

  • Projects from Knowledge into Action 2023

  • MiniBeasts of Barnet

    A series of research activities with reception class children, including nature trails, arts-based making activities, discussion groups, and performances with an inter-generational focus. This cohort of children will be 21 in 2040, when Barnet aims to become a fully net-zero borough.

    The focus of the activities with children will be on 'minibeasts': microbial and insect life found in a variety of habitats, including the many green spaces in the borough. The project will emphasise how 'small things can make a big difference', encouraging children, with their families and carers, to take personal responsibility for the environment that they share with even the smallest of creatures.

    Visit the website

  • Ante-natal English for Ethnic Minority Women

    An innovative project that leverages the expertise of Middlesex University in Midwifery, Applied Linguistics and Education. The primary objective is to develop an EAL syllabus tailored to empower ethnic minority women's participation in ante-natal classes, thereby improving their understanding of crucial medical information.

    The initial phase of the project involves creating a corpus of spoken and written English commonly used in ante-natal contexts between healthcare professionals and patients. Employing corpus linguistics analysis, we aim to identify prevalent language patterns used in discussing maternal health and pregnancy, thereby informing the design of the EAL syllabus.

    Subsequent steps include the design, piloting and refinement of teaching materials based on the syllabus, ensuring their effectiveness and practicality. These materials will be used by midwifery students on community placements.

  • Ante natal class

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