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    Postgraduate Researchers' Summer Conference

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    Our Research Students Summer Conference (RSSC) is an annual event for all research students.

    RSSC 2022 edition took place online and was a successful showcase of the research carried out by research students across the Faculties, our Collaborative Partner Institutions and our overseas campuses. It was a great opportunity to share ideas, create fruitful collaborations and celebrate research.

    RSSC 2022 - A global celebration of research and collaboration

    The Middlesex University (MDX) Summer Conference is an annual gathering of researchers, students and members of staff and this year it took place on 22nd and 23rd of June with participation from across all Faculties, from our partner institutions and our overseas campuses. RSSC2022 was chaired by Dr Suman Lodh (Accounting and Finance) and Dr Paula McIver Nottingham (Education) and the Organising Committee comprised of esteemed colleagues as well as students from across the University, who worked closely together to bring the Conference to reality.

    RSSC2022 took place online via Zoom, after a pivotal decision to accommodate for travel disruptions due to the large-scale tube and rail strike. Delegates, presenters, and organisers alike responded with agility and truly collaborative working which allowed the very successful realisation of the Conference. As an MDX Research Community we found that it might not be possible to replicate the experience of the in-person gathering that we have longed for, but that by coming together we can create the next best thing!

    Our Vice Chancellor Professor Nic Beech opened the Conference on the first day with an insightful presentation on transformative education and how we aim to embed its principles in our future plans. The day went on with research students oral and poster presentations across all disciplines and subject areas, under the overarching theme of the conference “Knowledge in Action”. The panel discussion with our research theme directors Dr Johan Siebers and Dr Lisa Marzano, with contribution from Prof Kurt Barling and hosted by Prof Stephen Syrett invited collaboration and initiatives under the three strategic portfolios: Equity and Improvements in Health and Wellbeing; Inclusive Socio-Economic Development and Enriching Lives through Culture; and Sustainability of Communities and the Environment. The second day started with an inspiring talk by our Chancellor Dame Janet Ritterman on the importance of research and how it changes in the modern landscape, followed by presentations by research students in parallel sessions. Dr Clare Rees, one of the keynote speakers and Middlesex alumni, talked about her journey as a research student at Middlesex, her work on ‘coaching culture’ and how her findings informed her practice and challenges. The conference concluded with the announcement of awards for outstanding presentations and delivery of closing remarks by none other, Deputy Vice Chancellor Prof Carole-Anne Upton. Over these two days, we had the opportunity to attend more than 100 oral and poster presentations on research findings from various disciplines. The conference provided a forum for thought-provoking and engaging discussions and marked the continuation of meaningful collaborations – which is at the core of the culture of Middlesex University. Our research creates impact for individuals, communities and organisations, bringing our strategic vision to life and this transpired throughout the conference.

    Through its ups and some unavoidable downs, the MDX Research Community came together for the RSSC2022 by overcoming physical and occasionally technological barriers. We, all together, not only positively demonstrated the amazing research achievements, but also exemplified how we aspire to accomplish more! We are looking forward to implementing all the valuable lessons and all the positive experiences in planning for RSSC2023.

    The RSSC2022 Chairs, Dr Suman Lodh and Dr Paula Nottingham

    The RSSC2022 Organising Committee

    Book of Abstracts

    The RSSC2022 Organising Committee are happy to share the RSSC2022 Book of Abstracts, which includes the summaries of all presentations, information about the distinguished speakers and the Chairs' welcome message.

    Download the Book of Abstracts!

    RSSC2022 Prize Winners

    Award winners were announced at the closing ceremony and they are available in the Participants' Hub!

    The prizes winners received an Amazon voucher which was sent via email to each recipient. If you have any questions around that, please email Nicola Skinner.


    You can now watch the opening keynote presentations, the theme panel discussion "Knowledge in Action", the guest speaker presentation, closing remarks and announcement of awards in the RSSC channel. Please note you will need to log in using your MDX credentials to view these. We can provide access to external stakeholder upon request.

    Watch the RSSC2022 recordings!

    Your Feedback

    The RSSC has developed into an international conference thanks to the continuous contributions of all those involved over the years, colleagues and research students who have built the foundations of an ever-evolving event. Feedback is essential in this process, allowing the organisation of future conferences to improve.

    Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts, whether you participated as a presenter, audience, speaker, chair, judge or organiser! We will do a prize draw for a £20 amazon voucher on Monday 18th of July 2022, you can be included if you choose to share your email. The feedback will remain anonymously and will not be shared with anyone outside of the University.

    Fill in the feedback form!

    Interest to participate in organising RSSC2023

    If you would like to be involved in the planning and organisation of next year's conference, please fill in the form using the link below. This doesn't mean you will automatically undertake any commitment, but we will include you in updates and invite you to the initial meetings where the members of the Organising Committee will be confirmed.

    Express your interest for RSSC2023!

    RSSC2022 Highlights and Participants' Hub

    RSSC2022 featured several keynote speakers, a panel discussion with our newly appointed theme directors, networking, an MDX alumni guest speaker and of course, presentations from MDX researchers! Scroll down for more information.

    RSSC2022 Keynote Speakers

    Prof Nic Beech will deliver the RSSC2022 opening keynote speech, Dame Janet Ritterman will open the proceedings on the second day of the Conference and Prof Carole-Anne Upton will announce the awards and the closing of the event.

    MDX Alumna Guest Speaker

    Dr Clare Rees

    Dr Clare Rees gained a BEd (Hons) from Oxford Brookes University in 1986, an MA from Middlesex University in 2016 and was awarded a Professional Doctorate in Education (Middlesex University) in 2020. Her research thesis was ‘An exploration of the potential of creating a coaching culture in a primary school’. She became the head teacher of Sunnyfields Primary School in Hendon in 2012 and took up her second headship at Havelock Primary School in Southall in 2015. She is currently the executive head teacher at Havelock Primary School and the Principal Quality Partnership Lead for the Ealing Learning Partnership. She is also a Founding Fellow of the Chartered College of Teachers (2018) and have written two articles for the CCT Impact magazine. She has published research papers on action research and education.

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