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About Changing the Culture Initiative

The Changing the Culture Initiative (CCI) is a university-wide programme of projects which tackle discrimination, bullying, harassment, intimidation, violence and any other form of hate.

We began in 2017 in response to Universities’ UK’s ‘Changing the Culture’ report into tackling violence against women, harassment and hate crime.

We are also addressing sector guidance on online harassment, racial harassment, sexual harassment and misconduct and forthcoming guidance on staff-student harassment.

Our work

Through collaboration with students, staff and community groups, we aim to shift attitudes, values and behaviours and help build a more inclusive, tolerant and safer university for all.

This involves projects to improve the MDX response by developing reporting mechanisms and delivering staff training as well as preventative work to engage students and community partners to drive forward culture change.

If you experience or witness any form of hate, please see our Report.It.To.Stop.It section below for information about how to report and get support.

Get in touch

Want to support the Changing the Culture Initiative? Please email Ben Serlin, Senior Programme Manager.

If you have experienced or witnessed any form of hate, please explore our Report.It.To.Stop.It page.

Explore Our aims, progress and next steps.

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