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#BuildingBridges exhibition

This exhibition collates selected student work around the themes of community, partnership and cohesion. It celebrates our diversity and campaigns for us all to come together to drive forward culture change.

Chancellor's Award

Produced by Helen Bendon and Nayomi Roshini
Directed and edited by Finlay Jack Holdway

This video documents the hugely successful end-of-year event for the 2018/19 #BuildingBridges campaign.

It showcased our amazing student work and helped galvanise a network of community partners to collaborate on changing the culture.

  • Stand Together

    Directed by Urszula Kwasniewska

    This short animation has a clear message which perfectly addressed the 2017/18 #NoHomeForHate brief.

    Stand Together has been showcased on campus during Welcome Week and has been presented externally at various Higher Education sector events.

  • Together we are Barnet

    Produced by Helen Bendon, Nick Convery and Jakub Holub

    A short film highlighting the extraordinary efforts of individuals and faith groups in supporting each other and their communities during the coronavirus pandemic.

    "This really was a quick lesson in lockdown filmmaking - directing from a distance! It's great to be able to offer students opportunities like this at such a difficult time."

    - Dr Helen Bendon

Are you changing the culture?

Produced by Khaleel Johnson

This photography collection, delivered in 2018/19, captures student and staff pledges of support for the Changing the Culture Initiative.

Their messages continue to inspire and promote us all to become agents of change and create a better university community for all.

Are you changing the culture? gallery

Holocaust Memorial Day Bulb Planting

Produced by Nikoleta Slezakova, Cloe Peker, Sara Veiga, Dariush Asadi, Randy Mankoto, Patrycia Lisowska and Bruna Ventura

In 2015, when the local Somali Bravenese community had seen its centre burnt down in a hate crime, the local Jewish community quickly stepped in and invited them to pray at their synagogue.

This short film captures the community coming together again in 2018 for a bulb-planting which was dedicated to all those who’ve lost their lives to genocide.

"I had an amazing experience. Being a part of this project was a privilege and served as an inspirational experience to make little changes in the world no matter how small.  It is comforting that this work is taking place and there is a groundswell for change.”

- Leo Smith, MDX Film student

  • Stand with the VCPB

    Produced by Nayomi Roshini
    Directed by Rohan Reddy

    This film was produced by MDX students for the 2018 launch of the Violent Crime Prevention Board (VCPB), a charity that provides a voice, opportunities and role models to not only tackle violent crime but to be pivotal in inspiring success in local communities.

    "A massive thank you to all the creative students and staff at Middlesex University for their efforts in creating this amazing short film for us."

    - Angela Herbert, MBE

  • Girls Allowed

    Produced by Wesam Salem and McKenna Fernandez

    This film was produced by MDX students for the Met police event 'Girls Allowed #Safe4Faith' (28 June 2018), an event highlighting the important role played by female members of the community in tackling knife and hate crime.

    The film focuses on the idea of having one's voice heard rather than looking to women of faith communities to hold all the answers.

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