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#MadeinMDX: Enrich your Uni experience through extracurricular events

There are many opportunities that MDX has to offer us!

Apart from the valuable learning experiences of our degree, there is so much more that defines your journey at University.

MDX supports us through:

  • Employability
  • Socials
  • Extra-curricular

These three aspects are a huge part of our journey when pursuing our path towards a successful future.

To help you become #MadeinMDX, we have some examples of how your fellow students including us, have benefitted from different experiences offered here.

We looked at our experience – now two student communications interns, who have become part of #MadeinMDX through the Employability that Middlesex offers.

Employability - our experience of MDXworks:

Hannah Agnew – Advertising, Branding and PR student at MDX

“Being a commuter made it quite hard for me to get involved in extra-curricular activities. After doing some research, it was great to find out that Unitemps offer part-time jobs and internships to university students via MDXworks on Campus. This sounded like a great way to gain experience and become more involved and work in a relevant field such as marketing and I just so happened to be wanting paid experience in that field.

Jobs at Middlesex are all above minimum wage.

I decided to apply for the student communications intern role. The online process via Unitemps, was quick and easy. I was then invited for an  interview , which was a nice engaging chat with the Communications officer and Student & Alumni Engagement Manager, who were very friendly and welcoming. Shortly after, I was happily told I have the job and am already feeling a lot more confident about the world of work, due to this experience.”

Are you interested in jobs at MDX? Register via Unitemps and become #MadeinMDX today.

Socials – Language and Culture Exchange:

One example of a great interactive social event is the Language and Culture Exchange. It’s main purpose is    to connect and enrich the skill sets and experiences of the students who were involved.

Kateryn Garzon – business management student at MDX

Q: Was there anything that inspired you, during the experience?

A: “It was a great feeling, to meet other students from other cultures who have different mind sets.  Engaging with the other students, made me realise how much we can learn from one another.”

Q: Do you think you would’ve missed out on a valuable experience, if you didn’t participate?

A: “I am glad I participated in the programme. Everybody learnt something new that day and I feel proud knowing, that I had the fortune to have played a role in their learning experience.”

Q: Did this experience make you feel more connected to Middlesex in any way?

A: “Every day, I learn to love the University a little bit more and am proud to be #MadeinMDX. I would like to encourage students to take advantage of these opportunities and make the best out of our years here.”

Check out more about other Social Learning Events here.

Extracurricular – Learning experience:

A great learning experience, was a Psychology Research Project regarding the Dance Flash Mob during Fresher’s Month. The team of student volunteers, collected data from other students regarding their “mood” before and after the social event.

Alice Scafati – psychology student at MDX

Q: How was this experience useful to you?

A: “I was a part of the whole research process. I had the chance to collect data and learn about a data collection method that will be useful to know for my future studies. This was also a way for me to improve my social skills at Uni, as a first year MDX student.”

Q: Do you think you would’ve missed out if you didn’t participate?

A: “This experience was totally worth it. I only gained positive things from this experience such as, gaining knowledge for future studies as a psychology student. So yes, I would’ve missed out if I hadn’t participated.”

Q: Did this experience make you feel more connected to Middlesex in any way?

A: “Yes, I feel more connected because I had the chance to be a part of other students and teachers experience at Uni. Being a part of the research project, I was fully aware of the Flash Mob and all the stages of the project. So, it was interesting to see how people, who weren’t aware of the situation reacted and it made me focus more on their positive reactions rather than the Flash Mob itself.”

Get involved, share your story and become #MadeinMDX too!

Student lifestyle posts which reflect the interests of our students are written by student interns working within the Marketing department and do not reflect the research, guidance or opinions of Middlesex University. If you have feedback or want to suggest ideas for future student lifestyle posts, please email communications@mdx.ac.uk

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