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What To Pack For Uni

By Sophie Jet Kanzler, Student Writer

Sophie shares tips on what to pack when moving into university accommodation

Starting (or returning!) to uni often involves the stressful decision of how to pack as many useful items into as manageable a suitcase/backpack/binbag as possible, despite these factors usually being mutually exclusive.  I’ve compiled list of essentials that I think are worth your case space and will have you covered when you arrive…



  • Power adapter: if you’re an international student, this could be essential depending on what type of plug you use in your home country.
  • Stationary: A paper pad and pen is all you need to begin with to write notes in your lectures. Colour coded pens can be bought later…
  • Doorstop: even a piece of folded paper will do. Leaving your door open is a fast and easy way to make friends (future housemates to do all the househunting for you) in halls!
  • Clothes airer: if someone is helping you move, consider bringing a clothes rack/airer – it’ll save you money rather than using a dryer and can hold a lot of washing!
  • Warm clothes/blankets: self explanatory; important for the winter – some housing will be so cold it’ll make you feel like…nothing, because you won’t be able to feel any exposed part of your body.



  • Pan: if you only have bag space for one pan, bring one with a lid – quicker to cook pasta and vegetables, and necessary for rice.
  • Knives: at least one good kitchen knife is essential and can be used for most things.
  • Plates: Bring at least enough for yourself and remember if you’re stuck for space, bowls are more versatile than plates (can be used for cereal, soup, pasta, curry, etc…)



  • Bathroom products: you don’t know how easily you’ll be able to find them in your new area; so packing your favourite bath/body/hair products saves hassle (preferably in a bath bag).
  • Toilet roll: some communal toilets have toilet roll installed but others don’t – if possible, bring a roll just in case.
  • Towel: You’ll usually have to bring your own towel – x2 if possible, but one will tide you over.
  • Flip-flops/sliders/crocs: invaluable if you have a shared bathroom/toilet!


Finally: remember that if you’re moving into halls, there will be a list of items that will be provided for you; usually things like microwaves, kettles, or even lighting and bedding. Check what’s provided before bringing your own, and find out what shops are in your area beforehand to avoid bringing what you can buy after you’ve moved in!


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